Fault Tolerant Byzantine Distributed Storage

Double-blind, redundant data storage on a decentralized network of distributed storage resources.
Securing data at rest using object sharding (fragmentation) across devices or inside cloud operations.
More advanced than other methods (OceanStore, Storj, Sia, IPFS, Tahoe-LAFS.)
Works with InterVault E2E- P2P security . A key feature in the UbiVault Fabric for data at rest security



Jigsaw White Paper

Jigsaw Slide Presentation [44Mb] Browser mode

PASIS Survivable Storage (CMU)

SSiBIH Survivable Storage with information hiding

Survivable Storage (CMU)

Data Distribution Schemes for a Survivable Storage

A Framework for Dynamic Byzantine Storage

Fault Tolerant Cloud Byzantine Storage

Rosebud: Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant Storage (MIT)

Tendermint: Byzantine Storage and Blockchains